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Nazi Zombie Songs + Lyrics
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Originally posted by another user
Ok, I Know These Have Been Posted Before, And I've Looked At Them. But I Can Tell You Now, This Thread Is Better Than All Of Them.
Originally posted by another user
Anyway, Find Your Favourite Song, Sit Back And Listen To It, Read The Lyrics If You Want As Well. At The End You Can Even Learn About The Singer. Enjoy!
[multipage=Lullaby For A Dead Man]
Lullaby For A Dead Man
Originally posted by another user
Lullaby for a Dead Man is the song that plays at the end of each match of Nazi Zombies in Nacht der Untoten, however, only the intro guitar music is heard. It was produced entirely by Treyarch's music department. It was written and performed primarily by Kevin Sherwood and sung by Elena Siegman.
[ame=]YouTube - Elena Siegman - Lullaby for a Dead man[/ame]
Originally posted by another user
Life is still spinning, I know it, Conscious fulfilling, Eyes are deceiving, You know it, Father, why have you forsaken me, I know when you're sleeping, I know when you're sleeping,
Your end my beginning
And everything I hoped for has been strangely set aside
Reason for living,
My mind is forgiving
And destiny is proving to be absent from my life
I feel it,
I know when you're sleeping,
I know the things you're dreaming
And I know you will never give up and die.
The darkness revealing all,
Thoughts and insecurities are shining like the sun...
Your mind will stop breathing,
And all that you are made of will now rightly become mine.
You feel it,
I know when you're sleeping,
I know the things you're dreaming,
I love it when you're weeping,
Even death can't stop this feeling
And I know you will never give up and die
My life is gone.
Father, know how long it's taken me,
I live again!
I know the things you're dreaming.
I know when you're sleeping,
I know the things you're dreaming.
I love when you're weeping
Even death can't stop this feeling.
I know the things you're dreaming.
I love when you're weeping,
Even death can't stop this feeling.
And I know you will never give up
No, you will never give up,
You will never give up and... die.
How To Find The Song
Originally posted by another user
To activate this egg, go to the toilets on the German side (It's the room with the STG-44 and Trenchgun) and flush the leftmost toilet 3 times, using Square on the PS3, X on the Xbox and F on the PC. Once the toilet has been flushed enough times, the 'cha-ching!' sound effect is heard. Shortly after this, the song will start to play.
[multipage=The One]
The One
Originally posted by another user
The One is the theme song for the Nazi Zombies map Shi No Numa.
The song was written and music was performed by Kevin Sherwood who is one of the Treyarch Music Developers on the World at War project. The vocals in the track are by Elena Siegman.
[ame=""]The One[/ame]
Originally posted by another user
All my life I've been debating, All the crows, they sit there waiting Staring blankly at the sun. I've been waiting for someone to find me and become a part of me...' Blood's flavor is so metallic, it's smell makes me go fanatic... My senses have become so keen, with all I touch and all I see... I've been waiting for someone to find me and become a part of me... I've been waiting for the one.' I've been waiting for the one... I've been waiting for.... I've been waiting for someone to find me and become... You! I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me... I've been waiting for...
Wondering what I'm going to eat
Until I have it,
I can't sleep
I finally see you on the floor,
Your heart's not beating any more.
My lust for you just can not wait.
Your skin, it tastes like chocolate.
Waiting for my time to come.
Your happy life, it makes me sick,
All the screaming sounds like music...
Lucid are my pooling dreams, someone tell me what they mean.
There's an iron smell of blood in the air, but I can't find it anywhere...
I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me and set me free...'
I've been waiting for...
Texture that I find in you is a thick viscous glue...
There's an iron smell of blood in the air, and now I see it everywhere...
I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me and set me free...
I've been waiting for someone...
I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me...
a part of me...
Oh... I've been waiting for you... to come here... and kill me...
and set me free... I've been waiting for.....
How To Find The Song
Originally posted by another user
An unlockable Achievement (Xbox 360) or Trophy (PS3) can be found by 'using the phone' in the Comm Room in Shi No Numa. Holding the respective 'Action' button (either 'X' on Xbox 360, 'Square' on PS3 or 'F' on PC) button over a few seconds consecutively and listening for the dialing noises up to three times will unlock the Easter Egg that causes 'The One' to be played in the background of the action. Also, on the Ipod touch/ IPhone version, knifing the phone starts the easter egg. This is the only musical easter egg in the iPhone version. Just before the music starts playing a zombie-like voice from the phone will whisper "I know when you're sleeping." On Xbox 360 this Achievement is worth 10 GS.
[multipage=Beauty Of Annihilation]
Beauty Of Annihilation
Originally posted by another user
Beauty of Annihilation is the death song for Shi No Numa and a clip of it plays at the end of each Hellhound round. This song was written and performed by Kevin Sherwood and sung by Elena Siegman.
[ame=""]Beauty Of Annihilation[/ame]
Originally posted by another user
Yticorpicer fo yaw yb emoc ,seiticorta ym lla (2nd line backwards) All my atrocities, come by way of reciprocity, I'm chewing the bones of my own reprieve. Death be my dignity, Execute hemlock philosophy, Poison fills the cup of the carpenter. NO! Love lost on me, MORE! Life so costly. No reason, For grieving. No, LOVE LOST ON ME More. LIFE SO COSTLY Bring me down with, 7.62 HIGH VELOCITY I can see them everywhere, They're all around me, They're waiting for me. Descending, Unrelenting. Beauty of Annihilation. Your curiosity, Feeding off my animosity. And the reason, Is treason Bring you down with 7.92 AND NO IMPUNITY! I can see them everywhere, They're all around me, They're waiting for me. Descending, Unrelenting. Beauty of Annihilation. Death so beautiful, Looks so beautiful, Death so beautiful, Looks so beautiful to me. I can see them everywhere, I can see them everywhere I go, I can see them everywhere, They're all around me, They're waiting for me. I can see them everywhere, I can see them everywhere I go, I can see them everywhere, They're all around me, They're waiting for me. Descending, Unrelenting. Beauty of Annihilation, Looks like your prophet was mistaken, Is life really gone or just been wasted? Doom so close that I can taste it!
With all that's good and clean, you can't ****ing annihilate me!
How To Find The Song
Originally posted by another user
The musical easter egg on Der Riese can be used when the player holds down the use button in front of three jars containing green liquid and spinal cords attached to brains (One in the small room near Teleporter B and 2 in the hall outside Teleporter A).
Originally posted by another user
115 is the death song for Der Riese, a song performed by Elena Siegman for the Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombie map, Kino der Toten. It was written by Kevin Sherwood
Originally posted by another user
No one can see me No I have returned And everyone dies You stand for nothing I'm the end I can taste it No I have returned And everything dies See with your eyes I've lost all form and unity and everyone dies Everyone tries to And everything dies See with your eyes and nobody cries
and I've lost all feeling
and I know I won't die alone.
I'll stop you from breathing
and all your deceiving
and this house is not my home.
More forgiveness
and the reason is
I know I won't die alone.
and everyone lies
They're waiting for the second coming again
Everyone tries to
hold onto their life
When no one's alive
Bring me 1-1-5
and overlooked something
I'll bring you down
all on my own.
I'll justify hatred
I am the chosen one
left hand of all that's
More forgiveness
I'll bring you death and pestilence
I'll bring you down on my own
Look to the skies
To see the end of
all creation again
my army of flies
When no one's alive
Bring me 1-1-5
Where has my life gone
I'll bring you doom that you can see
and bring you down to see you bleed.
and everyone lies
They're waiting for the
second coming again
hold on to their life
When no one's alive
Bring me 1-1-5
look to the skies
To see the end of
all creation again
my army of flies
When no one's alive
Bring me 1-1-5
when everyone dies
and no one's alive
Bring me 1-1-5
How To Find The Song
Originally posted by another user
It is played after the player "uses" three meteor fragments scattered around the level. The first one is found in the starting room on the first floor next to the right staircase in a corner. It is sitting on a stand with a glass case over it. The second one is in the room between the alley and the theater, it's on shelf on a book case, with letters on it. The last one is in the dressing room near the MP5K and a window. It's sitting on the same type of stand as the first, but its glass case has fallen off.
Originally posted by another user
Abracadavre is the death song performed by Elena Siegman for the Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombies map, Kino der Toten, and is also the musical easter egg for the map Ascension. It was written by Kevin Sherwood
Originally posted by another user
I can fly like a bird, not in the sky I can see the damage that I I don't feel I am what men love more than life You want me to be gone I don't feel It's all inside my head, I see them always but they're It's killing me These shackles they come I can't give in I don't feel It's all inside my head I see them always but they're
which can always swim and always dry
I say goodbye at night and morning, hi
I'm part of you, what am I,
I follow and lead as you pass
dress yourself in black, my darkness lasts
I flee the light but without the sun
Your view of me would be gone
am causing you is so benign
You want me to be gone
But I have just begun
I am the only one undone
I'm a broken miracle now
in your head.
Like I am real
But I know
It's all imaginary
Are they real
And do they feel
Is all the pain
just inside my head
Fear more than death or mortal strife
What dead men have and rich require
I'm what contented men desire
But I have just begun
You will never know how far I've come
What goes up must never come back down
In your head'
Like I am real
But I know
It's all imaginary
Are they real
And do they feel
Is all the pain
just inside my head.
It's just inside my,
It's all inside my,
They're all inside my,
all inside my head,
all inside my head,
they're all inside my head
to see I'm killing you
Death is magic
Say Abracadavre now
You see me now you,
Don't cry when I am gone
With certain opportunities
They won't let me get away
But they show me we're the same
we're the same
we're the same
They show me that we are the same
I won't give in
It's not a state of mind
I'm wretched but I'm powerful and
Like I am real
But I know
It's all imaginary
Are they real
And do they feel
Is all the pain
just inside my head
It's just inside my,
It's all inside my
They're all inside my,
all inside my head,
all inside my head,
they're all inside my head...
How To Find The Song
Originally posted by another user
■In order to get the song to play you have to press the use/reload key (X or Square) on three teddy bears (Holding sickles) hidden through-out the map. Their locations are:
■1st Teddy bear is on the platform above the generator in the starting area.
■2nd Teddy bear is in the lunar lander area with the claymore behind a gate on the left side if facing the lander.
■3rd Teddy bear is located up near the sickle itself. If you look towards the far left window it will be on a beam above to the right of it.
[multipage= Damned]
Originally posted by another user
"Damned" is a song composed by Kevin Sherwood, who also composed the other zombie mode songs. Unlike those songs, however, it is purely instrumental and consists mainly of a piano part. It was first heard on the viral website GKNOVA6 and is also heard on the menu and lobby for Call of Duty: Black Ops' zombie mode. Also, the music plays on "Five" and "Kino der Toten" very quietly and can be heard if there are no zombies around or any other background noise. The song was remixed for the Ascension map, and this remix is called Abracadavre.
[multipage=Elena Siegman]
Elena Siegman
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Originally posted by another user
Here's What Elena Has To Say About Hereself On Her You must login or register to view this content.
Originally posted by another user
I sing the zombie songs for COD (Kevin Sherwood is the masterful composer/ guitarist/ producer/ amazing guy behind them!). My completely and totally different EP, called "The Mighty", is coming out VERY VERY SOON
Originally posted by another user
Based in Los Angeles, CA, I sing girlie melancholy country-ish Americana songs. I also occasionally get totally metal and sing the theme songs for Call of Duty: World At War's Nazi Zombie mode. If you send me your gamer tag, I will totally slay zombies with you. I'm also in an Elvis/KISS tribute band/comedy act/ridiculous extravaganza called Elviss Simmons and The Mempthis Strutters. Check 'em out at You must login or register to view this content. -- or become a fan here on Facebook!
[multipage=Kevin Sherwood]
Kevin Sherwood
Originally posted by another user
Kevin Sherwood is a sound designer and composer for Treyarch. You know him as the man behind the nazi zombie songs "Lullaby for a Dead Man", "The One", "Beauty of Annihilation", "115", "Abracadavre", "Damed", etc.
Originally posted by another user
I Hope You Guys Enjoyed This Thread As Much As I Enjoyed Making It! Peace Out!
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